        Scientific Linux 4 Live CD and DVD (32bit and 64bit) 

The Scientific Linux Live CD/DVD is a bootable CD/DVD that runs 
Linux directly from CD/DVD without installing. It is based on 
Scientific Linux 4 (SL4), which is recompiled from RedHat 
Enterprise Linux 4 sources (RHEL4 AS). 

The following versions of the Scientific Linux LiveCD are available 
for download:

    * livecd:       fits on a normal CD-ROM
    * livecd64:     CD-ROM for 64bit
    * livedvd:      only fits on a DVD
    * livedvd64:    DVD-ROM for 64bit
    * mini_livecd:  rescue system (<200MB), fits on a mini CD-ROM

More information can be found at http://linux.web.psi.ch/livecd